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Lab of biomonitoring obowiązkowy| - Environmental protection - ogólnoakademicki - II stopień - I - |19182020-05-19 6

wybrano: 1918

Lab of biomonitoring

Sylabus zajęć

Informacje podstawowe

Kierunek studiów
Environmetal protection
Jednostka organizacyjna
Wydział Biologii
Poziom studiów
Studia drugiego stopnia
Forma studiów
Studia stacjonarne
Profil studiów
Profil ogólnoakademicki
Cykl dydaktyczny
Języki wykładowe
Blok zajęciowy
Przedmioty nieprzypisane
Koordynator zajęć
dr hab. Beata Messyasz,, dr hab. Wojciech Magowski,
Prowadzący zajęcia
dr hab. Beata Messyasz,, dr hab. Wojciech Magowski,, dr hab. Mikołaj Kokociński,,
Semestr 2
Forma zajęć / liczba godzin / forma zaliczenia
  • Ćwiczenia/laboratoria: 30, Zaliczenie z oceną
Liczba punktów ECTS

Cele kształcenia dla zajęć

1. Transfer of knowledge of biology and ecology of water organisms (algae, zooplankton, hydrophytes) and terrestrial organisms (animals) applied as bioindicators in the assessment of the quality of both aquatic (trophic state) and terrestrial environments as well as of safety and hygiene of work regulations in the laboratory. 2. Develop the ability of the practical application of algae, zooplankton and macrophytes in the assessment of the water quality (trophy, environmental state) and of animals in the assessment of the state of the terrestrial environment: possibilities of using border values, and of solving problems concerning the diagnostics of levels and units of the biological diversity. 3. Develop abilities to choose appropriate indication methods based on phyto- and zoo-indicators of the environment for solving problems concerning the ecological assessment of the natural environmental state. 4. Introduce to the cooperation with organs and the institutions responsible for the environmental protection and the management of natural resources on the level of the opinion and predictions. 5. The preparation to the adequate interpretation of research findings, of the applied procedure and the method of the ecological assessment of the environment’s state. 6. The preparation to communicative presenting and estimation of data in the form of scientific descriptions and reports.

Wymagania wstępne

Confirmed basic knowledge on the biology and ecology of basic aquatic and terrestrial species, abilities to analyse environmental data and fundamental base of lab safety and hygiene standards at work.

Efekty uczenia się dla zajęć

Symbol EU dla zajęć/przedmiotuPo zakończeniu zajęć i potwierdzeniu osiągnięcia EU student/ka:Symbole EK dla kierunku studiów
Efekt_01Knows the animal, algae, aquatic and terrestrial based bioindication methods and is able to find appropriate indication groups and to put it into practice.
Efekt_02Correctly interprets the state of the aquatic environment based on the species and communities of phytoplankton, zooplankton and aquatic plants.
Efekt_03Knows the ecological diatom scale and phytoplankton functional groups -based bioindication methods as well as limits of their use.
Efekt_04Possess general knowledge necessary for understanding hierarchical and dynamical structure of soil fauna influenced by both direct and indirect, abiotic and biotic (including anthropogenic) conditions.
Efekt_05Is capable of planning field investigations aimed at sampling geobotanical and water data, as well as its further interpretation in order to evaluate and even to predict ecosystem properties.
Efekt_06Correctly interprets results of carried out research analyses both qualitative and quantitative and is able to present results of bioindication and biomonitoring set on basic and transformed (applied) floristic and faunistic models.

Treści programowe

Lp. Treści programowe dla zajęć/przedmiotu Symbol EU dla zajęć/przedmiotu

Biomonitoring, bioindicators – terminology: quality indicators within plants and animals (eury- and stenotophic forms, cosmopolitan).

Efekt_01, Efekt_02, Efekt_04

The plankton assemblages structure and lakes and rivers eutrophication with regard to cyanobacterial monitoring and the indicator role of diatoms.

Efekt_01, Efekt_02, Efekt_03, Efekt_05

Green algae as indicators of water quality: Reynolds functional groups for phytoplankton, macroscopic green algae.

Efekt_01, Efekt_02, Efekt_04, Efekt_06

The bioindication toolset for estimating the human impact in urban terrestrial environment using micro- and macrofauna.

Efekt_01, Efekt_04, Efekt_05, Efekt_06

Planning application of faunal bioindicator system for specific task - methodological limits an practical aspects.

Efekt_01, Efekt_04, Efekt_05, Efekt_06

Informacje dodatkowe

Metody i formy prowadzenia zajęć
Metoda analizy przypadków
Rozwiązywanie zadań (np.: obliczeniowych, artystycznych, praktycznych)
Metoda laboratoryjna
Metoda badawcza (dociekania naukowego)
Metoda projektu
Pokaz i obserwacja
Praca w grupach
Sposoby ocenianiaSymbole EK dla modułu zajęć/przedmiotu
Kryteria oceniania wg skali stosowanej w UAM
bardzo dobry (bdb; 5,0): very good knowledge, excellent abilities and both personal and social competence;
dobry plus (+db; 4,5): very good knowledge, satisfactory abilities and both personal and social competence;
dobry (db; 4,0): good knowledge, satisfactory abilities and both personal and social competence;
dostateczny plus (+dst; 3,5): good knowledge, satisfactory abilities and both personal and social competence but with considerable shortcomings;
dostateczny (dst; 3,0): satisfactory knowledge but with numerous mistakes, abilities and both personal and social competence;
niedostateczny (ndst; 2,0): insufficient knowledge and abilities, unsatisfactory personal and social competence.


Wydawnictwa książkowe

    1. Suthers J.H., Rissik D.: Plankton. A Guide to Their Ecology and Monitoring for Water Quality., Csiro Publishing, , 2009
    2. Reynolds C.S: The ecology of phytoplankton., Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2006
    3. Wetzel R.G.: Limnology, Lake and River Ecosystems., Academic Press, Elsevier, , 2001
    4. Berrlinger E.G., Sigee D.C.: Freshwater Algae. Identification and Use as Bioindicators., Wiley-Blackwell, Oxford, 2010

Artykuły w czasopismach

    1. Al-Shwafi N.A., Rushdi A.I. (2008): Heavy metal concentrations in marine green, brown and red seaweeds from coastal waters of Yemen, the Gulf of Aden., Environ. Geol., 55
    2. Heink U., Kowarik I. (10): What criteria should be used to select biodiversity indicators?, Biodivers. Conserv., 19
    3. Andersen A.N., Hoffmann B.D., Muller W.J. Griffiths A.D. (02): Using ants as bioindicators in land management: simplifying assessment of ant community responses, J. Appl. Ecol., 39

Nakład pracy studenta i punkty ECTS

Forma aktywności Średnia liczba godzin* na zrealizowanie aktywności
Godziny zajęć (wg planu studiów) z nauczycielem30
Praca własna studenta:
Przygotowanie do zajęć10
Czytanie wskazanej literatury10
Przygotowanie pracy pisemnej, raportu, prezentacji, demonstracji, itp.25
Przygotowanie projektu15
Przygotowanie pracy semestralnej
Przygotowanie do egzaminu / zaliczenia

* godzina (lekcyjna) oznacza 45 minut